Thursday, December 20, 2012

Urban Mango!! New shipment available NOW!!

The Bling Boutique
1457 N. Trade Days Blvd.
Suite 103
Canton, Texas
Call or come by!!

New Urban Mango !!!
Just came in!!!

Headband Warmer
Many colors to choose from!!!
Many colors to choose from!!!!!
Hot Pink, Red. Black, White, Orange!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winner of Nov.26th drawing

Brittany Priest
You are the winner of our Nov. 26th drawing!!
You have won a pair of Shady Cowgirl sunglasses!!
Come on in so you can pick them out!!
Ladies it is almost Christmas...
Dec. 10th is our last Drawing of the year!!!
Grand Prize Drawing!!
Nov. 10, 2012
$100.00 Gift Certificate to The Bling Boutique!!!
If you dont enter you wont win!!
So either come by and sign up or go to , click on the "give us a holler" tab
leave us a comment and your phone #.
Good Luck!!!